Capsule Wardrobe

So, Tuesday night (after I posted, of course) I was trying to figure out something to do. You know, when you get really bored, cause you are in you room for an hour and a half, but you don't want to read the whole time? Or at all? I kinda just wandered around my room, while my sister read her book. I really do love to read, but I don't have to turn my lights off until 10:00 pm at night. 

So I was wandering around my room, and I was thinking how I did not really have a lot of different outfits. (if you are not into fashion, I suggest you skip out on this post) I have something called a capsule wardrobe. It consists of a few nicer shirts, a few pairs of pants, a couple sweaters, not very much of anything, but enough of everything that you can make lots of different outfits.

 I also have looooots  of t-shirts. So I pulled everything out of my closet, and laid out the shirts I wear the most on my bed. Then I pulled my shirts that I usually wear over other shirts (sorry I'm using the word 'shirts' a lot) and put them on the ground with my sweaters.Then I took all the garments (shirts) and put them with the sweaters they matched the best.

 My wardrobe consists of mainly 4 colors: Blue, green, black, and red. So after I did matching, I did more matching, with my t-shirts. In the end, I grabbed my UNW (University of Northwestern) shirt from the pile.  I put that with my army green button-down that's suuuper soft and great for Fall , and my dark jeans.

 Then I did accessorys. I have a green scarf that was made in Cambodia, (got it, where else, Thailand) and my green earrings. Oh, and I also have this awesome dragonfly necklace.

What I learned: If you ever need something to do at the end of the day, pick out your outfit for tomorrow. I like to layer things: soft button-down, regular t-shirt, jeans, scarf, etc. I buy most of my clothes from thrift stores or consignment shops. I know some of you might be gasping, but there's more. I also get HAND-ME-DOWNS. Which I love, because I know the person who gave it to me, and I know that they loved it too. My shoes also come from thrift stores. (Usually).

So, I guess what I'm trying to say is, you never know what you can find when you go to a thrift store. (or the Junk Bonanza, but that is a story for another time) You never know what you will find! If you don't feel comfortable with all the germs in a thrift store, bring a bottle of hand-sanitizer for when  you leave the store, and ALWAYS wash the clothes before you wear them.

That's all I have to say about Fashion right now, PLEASE give me some of your opinions, I'd love to hear some new fashion tips too. 
       Stay Magical (and well dressed!) everyone!


  1. I got this really cute cardigan at Salvation Army the other day. It is REALLY soft. Thrift stores have good deals and (sometimes, after a long search) just the right thing.

  2. I love hand me downs too!! It's so much fun to try stuff on!

  3. Quick question, what makes a normal wardrobe different from a capsule wardrobe?

  4. I am the exact opposite. I HATE hand-me-downs! I like buying new clothes.

  5. A capsule wardrobe is all your clothes go together, so you don't have to have very many different outfits taking up your closet. you only have a few things of each type of article that mix and match. I suggest this method, then you don't have to spend as much money shopping! : ) Grace I know how you feel, although I love hand-me-downs too, because If there is something your sister had and you wanted it, when she grows out of it, you get it! And by then it is already soft, and worn in.

  6. Gracie and I have different tastes in clothing. I tend to like the jeans and t-shirt style.

  7. I like that too, but I also like to look nice. NO SWEATPANTS!

  8. hey, have you guys followed by email yet?

  9. hey ella this is maddys brother jack super cool story

  10. Oh thanks Jack! Tell your friends!


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