Friends are the best...

YOU GUYS! I have 31 views on my first blog post! I would love it if you could leave a comment (if you can't that's okay too ๐Ÿ˜‰) so I can see that you've seen it! ( I know I can look in blogger, but comments are more fun!)

Alrighty, on to the actual stuff. I was talking to my friend the other day about this blog, and I was wondering what to work on next. She suggested that I talk about having long-distance relationships with friends. I have a few friends who live more than and hour away, And I don't really get to see them a lot. BUT:I use my email all the time to message them, and two of them have google hangouts, so I do that too.

If you have long distance friends, email is a GREAT thing. especially if they live in like, Mexico or something. ( that's totally random, I don't have any friends that live in  Mexico.) Google hangouts is good if you want to see their face once in a while, or Facebook messenger too. With messenger, you also can get fun filters!

I love getting letters, so I also write letters. Something fun to do is decorate the envelope, and make it really special for your friends! if I lived in a different country, I would love getting letters. Comment your favorite way to get mail!

I frequently message my friends, and I love when they message me back. I think letters are especially fun to get, because when one takes a long time to get to your home, your in suspense, and you are really excited (or anxious in my case) to get it.

I read in a 'Babysitters Club' book that two of the characters who live right across the street from each other have a code that they use to talk to each other through their windows! if you live super close to a friend or your best friend[s], get together and make a code. You can use flashlights or glow-sticks or something, make it original! You could also write on pieces of paper, but that might take longer.

I have to say, I would be terrible at doing the code thing, because its hard fro me to memorize the letters, then form them into words!

Here is another idea: if you need to tell your friend something urgent in class, but you don't want to get caught by the teacher, make a written code! ( I got this idea out of a 'Big Nate' book.) You can keep a copy of the code in your desk, so if your like me, you can see what your friend writes back to you! 

That's all for now,

      Stay Magical, everyone!


  1. I like getting emails, mainly because I forget to write back when I get letters. I can respond right back to the friend on email. :)

  2. I like getting emails too, but letters are just so much more suspenseful!

  3. Aw! Thanks Penguin (I know who you are...>:P)


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