Character Profile: Anemone

My name is Anemone, I live in the Mediterranean Sea, and I am fascinated with the moon. I love to stare up at it and think about all the creatures that could live up there. I have heard of moon sprites, but that is a myth. My greatest wish is to visit the moon someday, but I know that will never happen. Who ever heard of a mermaid on the moon?I have 3 little brothers, they all are still developing their scales, so they are very annoying, and grumpy all the time. My mother works double shifts at the cafe, and I work at the department store from 9 to 5. I live in Corapolis, the biggest city in the whole ocean. It's where the King and his family live! I have never met them, but someday I hope to make the princess a moon chart for her room. My best friend lives right next door, her name is Maiyai (mAY-yAY) and I've known her since we were guppies. ( that's what we call our babies) She is as fascinated with humans as I am with the moon. Maybe we could be the first Mer on land!


  1. Who drew the picture? It's so beautiful.

  2. I did. Thanks! My sister wanted me to draw a mermaid, and then i decided to write about her!

  3. Oh that's great! I was wondering if she was part of The Mountain Prophecy. But she is great all the same.

  4. Thanks! No, she is not part of the mountain prophecey. She is just a character. maybe you could put her in one of your stories?

  5. Hm, that is a good idea. I would need a story to put her in first.

  6. Thanks! maybe you could put her in brittany hood?


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