Be Overwhelmed with Gratitude

Hey All
It's Holy week this week, and that's kind of what has inspired me to create that drawing at the top. (Please excuse the messy lettering, I'm getting used to doing it on a computer. I'll get better eventually.)
Last night at youth group- well not at youth group. We do it on Instagram Live. Anyway. My youth leaders were giving us a whole bunch of verses to read that happened during Holy Week.

Zechariah 9:9
Mark 11:1-11

Mark 11:15-19

Matthew 23:24-28
Matthew 26:14-16

There were no verses for this day. Most likely Jesus was resting after the crazy week he had so far.

Luke 22:15-20
Luke 22:44
Luke 22:47-48

Good Friday:
Luke 23:44
Luke 23:44-49

John 19:38-42
1 Peter 1:18-19

Easter Sunday:
Matthew 28:1-10

One other thing that was said last night was that we should be overwhelmed with gratitude about this week. We might be stuck in our houses and not able to go anywhere, but we are still able to reflect on this week in history, and we are still able to tune into our church services via You Tube or Facebook Live or Zoom or any other form of technology. So maybe we should be overwhelmed with gratitude while we are stuck at home. We should be overwhelmed with gratitude that we have the programs that enable us to have meeting with each other. We should be overwhelmed with gratitude that we are able to still be in school, even if it is at a distance. We should be overwhelmed with gratitude that we have a place to stay safe and healthy. We take so many of these things for granted while we worry, why don't we flip that around and be grateful?

Thanks to my youth leader, Kirsten for this phrase- be overwhelmed with gratitude.
Stay grateful,


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