What to do...

Hey all,
Here are five things to do when you don't know what to do. Please let me know if you want to see another post like this, or shoot me a comment about what you would like to see next. I hope these help!

1. At Home Photo Shoot

These are super fun! If you are bored and want to be creative, this is a great time filler. I like to grab a sibling and ask (sometimes beg) them to join me, or take pictures of my pets.
At-home photo shoots are great because you can use your phone camera if you don't have a DSLR. They are great practice for compositians!
I usually lean towards portrait photography, but if that's not your thing, there are so many other options such as:
Macro (Great if you have a really fancy camera with a huge lens)
Fine Art (No rules. Just create art.)
Architectural photography
These are just a few that you could do at home or at a park, but there are lots of other types of photography. I suggest you do some research if none of these sound interesting to you.

2. Practice Lettering or Drawing
One of my favorite things to do when I am bored.
But what is lettering?
Dictionary.com's definition says 'the act of process of inscribing with or making letters.
There are so many different styles of lettering, and so many different pens to do it with!
Here is a simple lettering project you can do:
Lots of different pens
a word you think would look cool written down a bunch of times

Step One:
Pick a word. It should be a word you maybe don't see very often, or a word that means something to you, or maybe it's a phrase that means something to you.
Step Two:
Write that word or phrase pretty big across the paper. It can be diagonally or horizontally, whichever you prefer.

Step Three:
Fill in the page with your word or phrase. Write it so many times and so many different ways you run out ideas.

One final tip for this project:
Pick the colors of your pens that correspond nicely together. Think of where you see those colors in nature. For , I picked a sunset color scheme. You could go for something more woodsy or maybe oceanic as well.

3. Make a Bucket List or a List of Places You Want To Visit
Pinterest is an amazing place to look for things you want to do in the future.
I have created two boards, one for things I want to do and one for places I want to visit.
I'll link them here:
Places to Go:

Things to do:

Feel free to use these as inspiration.

4. Make Something For Someone
Handmade gifts are so much fun to give and create. Mother's day is coming up, and this is a great thing to do when you don't know what to do.
You could make a hand-lettered card, or you could make breakfast. No matter what you make or how awful it looks, whoever receives it will appreciate it because it was made by you.

5. Read (Or Write)
This is my ultimate way to wind down. I love to read. Reading can suck you in so far that you don't even realize you are sitting on your bed.
Or, writing is another thing that is fun to do. I have a couple friends who have blogs, and they write stories, like I do.
a Penguin's Life

A Writer's Pen

Of Writing and Dragons

Please Enjoy!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love your ideas! Thanks for mentioning Tess and my blog. :)

  3. Of course! Can't miss an opportunity for a plug lol


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